Diary Of A Disciplinarian

Why I have Created Diary Of A Disciplinarian

I provide alternative life coaching and accountability services for clients over 30.
My approach incorporates structure, boundaries, rules, and consequences to assist clients in achieving their life goals.

Originally from England, I have since relocated to California, USA. Although based in the US, I frequently travel to the UK to meet with clients.

‘The Diary of a Disciplinarian’ offers clients seeking accountability a clear perspective on how implementing structure, boundaries, and rules can empower them to reach their goals.

My blog’s stories, characters, locations, and names are entirely fictional.

My posts reflect typical issues that clients have.
This blog gives insight into my work and could help readers understand what to expect from my services.

How My New Career Began

I’ve realized that I am wired differently from others throughout my life. While I wouldn’t classify myself as a control freak, I thrive on maintaining control. I firmly believe in living by rules and enforcing consequences for breaking them, and I find it easy to execute this task.

The services I provide are strictly professional and non-sexual.

Correcting behavior is immensely gratifying, and positively impacting someone’s life epitomizes job satisfaction for me.

I also comprehend why some individuals find relief from stress through spanking. For those whose brains are wired to be submissive, experiencing pain and relinquishing control during the act triggers the release of endorphins. This process can calm the mind, making an individual feel euphoric, relaxed, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle life’s stresses.

I believe that becoming a disciplinarian and life coach is a vocation that one grows into with age. Life experiences enrich one’s knowledge and skills, which one can then impart to those who need guidance and accountability.

Entering life coaching wasn’t my original plan; I discovered my penchant for advising people and a knack for understanding and pinpointing where they might be straying. I seemed to have a natural ability to engage deeply with individuals.

Once, an acquaintance who needed structure and focus and was eager for someone to enforce accountability with consequences offered to pay me for my time.

That pivotal moment began my career as an alternative life coach and disciplinarian, and I have never looked back.