Maria wants her dream to become a reality

I received an email from Maria asking for information about obtaining a spanking.

Maria had been having this dream repeatedly about being told to remove her clothing until Maria was naked. Then she was instructed to stand with her hands on her head in front of her office desk while a man she did not know sat at her desk drinking coffee and reading his phone. He paid no attention to her, just leaving her standing there completely naked and feeling very embarrassed.

She could not understand why she was complying with this man’s request. Maria had never felt so humiliated. Maria had only been completely naked in front of one man before, and that was her husband, whom she had married thirty years ago. It just did not make sense to her; Maria was the boss of her own company and employed over one hundred people. Everybody did what she said, so why was she doing what a stranger told her?

Maria felt like she had been standing there for hours, wishing the ground would swallow her up, but it had only been five minutes, and her arms were aching on her head all this time.
Then the man put his phone down, looked at her briefly, left the chair, and walked behind her. She could feel his eyes looking at her naked body, making her even more embarrassed.

Suddenly he told her to kneel and replace her hands on her head.
Maria just stood then motionless, like stone unable to move.
Then out of nowhere, there was a whooshing sound. Then she felt an incredible sting on her buttocks which shocked her. She had not noticed the man had picked up a cane. She had never felt this type of pain before in her life. The man used the cane on her tender virgin buttocks.
Then the man told her firmly to move, or she would feel another, and she did not want that.

Without thinking, Maria complied. She was shocked. Just one strike had set her buttocks on fire. The strange thing was as painful as it was. Maria also felt something else that she could not make sense of, something deep in her other than pain. She couldn’t enjoy this. No, this was mental; she was in pain, and her buttocks were on fire, but it also felt good. She was in shock. What was it she was feeling?

After another 5 mins, which seemed like an hour, the man told Maria she could lower her arms and place them on her knees, but she was not to look up at him. She must keep her head bowed. Without question, Maria complied. She was grateful to be able to put her arms down.
What was strange to Maria was that as time went on, her mind began to settle and become quiet, something she was not used to a clear mind. She could not remember when the last time was that her mind was not full of thoughts.
All she was aware of was how calm and peaceful she felt.
Even though she was naked in front of a man she did not know, kneeling with her head bowed, following his instructions.
In a loud stern voice, the man said, “right, you lady, we have some issues that must be dealt with today. Let us begin.”
The man then began to read a list of things Maria had done, such as being rude, using inappropriate language for a woman, being rude, arrogant, etc.
Maria recognized all these things but could not figure out how the man knew about them, and she wondered what he meant by “issues that must be dealt with today.” How would they be dealt with, and what business was it of his anyway.

Without thinking, Maria blurted out with a sarcastic attitude, “What business is it of yours what I do and say? You are not my boss; I am the boss here”.
The man glared at her for a moment, then smiled and said, “I am not your boss, as you put it, but I am your disciplinarian, and you just earned yourself another six strokes of the cane for that outburst.”

Maria replied, “If you lay one more finger on me, I will have you arrested, and I will sue you for every dollar you have” she was feeling fearless and defiant now.
The man laughed at her and said,” You have signed a contract that gives me full authority to discipline you in any way that I see fit for as long as I feel is necessary. It was witnessed by an independent witness, so young lady. I advise you to be quiet because I have just added another six strokes of the cane to your punishment for that second outburst. You are going to have trouble sitting comfortably for the next week. I can promise you that”
He then waved a piece of paper in front of her and showed her two signatures on the paper one she recognized straight away as her own, the other signature looked familiar, but she could not remember whose it was.

The man then told her to stand up in front of her desk. On the top of Maria’s desk were two leather cuffs; suddenly, a cold chill ran through Maria. Was he going to cuff her to her desk so she could not get up? Surely not.
He then instructed Maria to bend over the desk. Maria was about to say no when the man said to her, “I wouldn’t if I was you, young lady do as I say without question or!”. Maria did not want to find out what the “or” was and complied straight away and lay across the cold wooden desk.
The man placed the cuffs securely around. Maria’s wrists; why was she allowing this to happen without putting up a fight, it just made no sense, but it also felt right.

Next, Maria heard the swishing of a cane behind her.
Maria screamed no and woke up panting and sweating, but as she lay there recovering, she felt cheated by her dream; Maria felt a strange kind of deep frustration. Maria was so close to something she did not understand but craved.

To be continued….