Jackie Could Not Control Her Diabetes

Jackie was a fifty-four years old divorcee who has had type 2 diabetes for five years, for the first three years she managed her condition reasonably well. Since her divorce two years ago, she has lost all control, and now she is starting to suffer complications because of her poor blood sugar control. J is overweight, suffers from mild depression and does minimal exercise. She has an office job, so she sits all day and spends her evenings in front of the TV comfort eating junk food. She has a small group of friends, mainly from work and does not have much of social life.

Jackie had tried various diets but had never had the will power to stick to them. Going to a weight loss class or gym was not something she would consider as she was not a group activity person. Her diabetic care team had suggested that she tried going on a low carb diet to lose weight and to take up regular walking to get her diabetes under control before the complications became life-changing.

Jackie knew she had to do something but also knew she could not do it on her own. While at work the topic of conversation that day was dieting and how hard diets were to stick to, jokingly one of the girls in the office said what she needed was someone to spank her bum if she ate cakes.

The thought of being spanked for eating stayed in Jackie’s head all day, after her evening meal, she started searching Google for info on being disciplined. The more she read, the more it made sense to Jackie that being punished for overeating was what she needed. 

The next few nights Jacke read as much information as she could on being spanked and the term SUBMISSIVE. The more Jackie learned, the more she wanted to learn, then she came across my website offering a disciplinarian service in the area she lived. The site talked about a life with Structure, Focus, Accountability and Consequences, all the things Jackie now knew she needed in her life, the thought of taking the first step and contacting me scared Jackie.

Jackie could think about nothing else this for the next 3 or 4 days she kept going back to the website and rereading everything, she even wrote out the message she would send, but she could not find the courage to hit press send. 

Until she got on the scales and realised she had put on another 1lb this week and that gave her the push she needed to the email and contact me.

Jackie’s first email was very brief, asking for more information on the service I provided, which I offered along with a list of questions. The next day all my questions were answered very openly; it was becoming evident that Jackie was serious about making changes to her life.

I suggested to Jackie that we meet in a coffee shop for an informal chat on Saturday with no obligations to continue with my service. 

We agreed on the time and place and exchanged mobile numbers. 

Friday night, I sent a text to confirm our appointment, and Jackie replied quickly with a promise she would be there on time. I made sure I was there early on Saturday and secured a good table. I like to be first, so I am sitting comfortably, and the client is aware they are entering my space when they arrive.

Impressively a very nervous looking Jackie arrived on time, I started with some small talk while Jackie relaxed a little before we started discussing why Jackie needed help and why she thought discipline would be work for her.

I then started to explain to Jackie exactly how I would help her, and this is what the service would entail

  • Each day Jackie would report at every mealtime with a photo of her meal, these meals had to be from her diet plan
  • She would also have to drink a set amount of water each day
  • Do an agreed amount of exercise each day
  • Lose an agreed amount of weight each week 
  • Abstain from eating all types of junk food which included, confectionery, cake, crisps, white bread, pastry etc
  • Alcoholic drinks were limited to spirits and diet mixers only. No more than four units a week  
  • Each Saturday, we would meet to discuss the week and deal with any infractions. I would deal with all offences that day, and I would decide on the infringement what type of punishment appropriate either physical or a loss of privileges